The difference in a renters credit score, and the one you get is this. Many background check companies, such as, use a true FICO score, developed by Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO). If you are gong to be a successful landlord, you need to understand the relationship between tenant performance and credit score. Continue reading “Why is my Renters Credit Score different?”
Rental Investment: Maximizing Your Returns
Are you settling for a Class ‘D’ tenant on your rental investment, and only getting Class ‘A’ tenant (or worse) returns? Do you wonder why your actual return on your rental investment is not what was projected? Are you looking at how to increase your profitability without selling and moving to a different building? Continue reading “Rental Investment: Maximizing Your Returns”
Apartment Classifications and Expected Returns
Apartment Classifications. When you are an experienced property investor of multifamily properties, there is an apartment grade that you will be intimately familiar with. Banks are familiar with it, insurance companies are familiar with it, and all investors that invest money in a multifamily complex should be. Google the topic and find out more if you want, but here is a summary.
Continue reading “Apartment Classifications and Expected Returns”
Why do tenants that look at my property seem under qualified?
The fact is, about 30% of tenants are problematic. They move a lot more than average. They are evicted, they are requested to move, and their lease is not renewed. If 30% are problematic, and they move twice as often as a solid renter, that is 60% of the renters that you see seem like they do not qualify to live in your rental.
Continue reading “Why do tenants that look at my property seem under qualified?”
Apartment Complex Snow Removal
Apartment Complex Snow Removal. One of my ‘Jobs’ is I manage the property for a 120 unit apartment complex that many of my rentals are located. I am the majority owner, so I get a lot of say in the process. If you are ever an owner in an HOA, be sure to get on the Board. It makes life much easier. Continue reading “Apartment Complex Snow Removal”
A Day in the Life…Rental Maintenance, Water Heater Repair
A bit about rental maintenance. One of many prospective landlords perceived nightmares. Continue reading “A Day in the Life…Rental Maintenance, Water Heater Repair”
My Introduction to Landlording, Trial By Fire
I am a landlord in Minnesota. I have 24 renters, located in Eagan and West St Paul. This is my introduction to landlording and journey…. Continue reading “My Introduction to Landlording, Trial By Fire”