My Rental Strategy And Property Management

chess-335142_1280-PDI recently did a guest post for Kim at Eyes On The Dollar.  Kim is a private practice Optometrist and a personal financial blogger.  She has some great tips for financial independence and getting out of debt.  She is not someone who just says “Spend less, pay bill”, she actually experienced the thrill of paying off over $30K worth of credit card debt!

Here is the link to the post regarding my Rental Strategy.  I hope you like it.

There are many so called RE investors that pretend to cash flow, and they are not calculating any of the soft expenses.  Management, Vacancy and Maintenance are the big three.  Maintenance being a thing you can put off, and see profit, but it is in actuality deferred maintenance.   I allocate 10% of rents towards maintenance in my budgets, 5% for vacancy, and 7% for management.   And I expect ~15% ROI if I make the purchase.

All investors MUST have a rental strategy if they are going to be profitable.  My net worth went up considerably after I started investing in rental property, and it continues to climb.  My income, already decent, went up by over double.

Read More at: Rental Strategy And Property Management

Please let me know what you think of it.

Avoiding Lockouts and Keeping Track of Keys

SchlageOne way to reduce tenant lockouts is to have a deadbolt with a key, not a locking door knob. Change the actual door knob to a hall /closet knob.  One without a lock.  The security is provided by the deadbolt, you do not need two key-able locks.  That way, you can only get locked out if you had the keys when you left.  

Continue reading “Avoiding Lockouts and Keeping Track of Keys”

How to Deal with Long Term Guests

welcome-434118_1280-PDDealing with Long Term guests in your rental.  When you rent three bedroom apartments, you will get extra tenants moving in periodically.  Sometimes it is a new roommate to help pay the bills.  Sometime it is a relative or friend who just got evicted, or a move-in boyfriend that cannot get accepted anywhere else, someone from out of town for a wedding or funeral. Continue reading “How to Deal with Long Term Guests”

Rental Investment: Maximizing Your Returns

Are you settling for a Class ‘D’ tenant on your rental investment, and only getting Class ‘A’ tenant (or worse) returns?  Do you wonder why your actual return on your rental investment is not what was projected?  Are you looking at how to increase your profitability without selling and moving to a different building? Continue reading “Rental Investment: Maximizing Your Returns”

Why do tenants that look at my property seem under qualified?

The fact is, about 30% of tenants are problematic.  They move a lot more than average.  They are evicted, they are requested to move, and their lease is not renewed.  If 30% are problematic, and they move twice as often as a solid renter, that is 60% of the renters that you see seem like they do not qualify to live in your rental.

Continue reading “Why do tenants that look at my property seem under qualified?”