I was recently featured in a national publication, Money Magazine online. It was a great honor to have an article I wrote featured on the site. Since I write for BiggerPockets, one of my posts was picked up and published on Money.
I have noticed that since I now have national recognition, the paparazzi are continuing to follow me. They seem to disguise themselves as regular people, and act like I am just another person. I am sure they have a secret way of following me all around, as I never notice the same person following when I walk just a little bit away. It must be a secret code they use, similar to a baseball catcher, to switch followers. Now I know how a celebrity feels…
Keep pets, friends, and bad credit from ruining your shot at a nice rental
If you are a renter, you have many obstacles ahead of you. Landlords are full of horror stories, and you are just another potential horror story. You want and need to be the best renter the new landlord has ever seen.
No landlord really wants you, but they need you. They need you to help them pay their rental mortgage; they need you to help them pay their personal mortgage, they need you to help them retire early. But they do not need you to come around and damage the premise or cause them a lot of extra work. Here is how to be the best renter you can possibly be.
Read the rest of the article here

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